It’s springtime, which means it’s also allergy season. Cue long months full of incessant sneezing, running out of tissue boxes, and a non-stop itchy nose. For some people, their allergies get worse every year and medication doesn’t always cure-all. Looking to add a homeopathic method to your allergy treatment regimen and help “stop the snot”, so to say, caused by mild allergies? This is where honey comes in- yes, honey. According to some, raw honey can be used to alleviate allergy symptoms.
Tag: pollination
How Pollination Works
Like all living things, plants want to reproduce. Reproduction happens when a male fertilizes a female. Plants reproduce similarly by making seeds after being fertilized. In order for plants to make seeds, plants must first be pollinated. Pollination is the process by which the male part of a plant fertilizes the female part of another plant (of the same species). The male part of a plant produces pollen, which then must travel to the female part of another plant in order to fertilize it. Plants can’t pick up their feet and walk like other living animals. The male part of the plant relies on external forces to transfer the pollen to other plants, like bees.
Annual Bee Pick-Up Day
Beekeepers from all over the state came to pick up bees to add to their colonies during our annual bee pick-up days. The exact date of pick-up days differ every year, but they’re typically around May when the weather starts to get warmer in Michigan. Around that time, we head down to Georgia to pick-up our bees, who vacation in the peach state for colony building in the winter months. Bees from GLBC also provide pollinating services in California. Continue reading Annual Bee Pick-Up Day